Our library is an educational resource for ALL to use, and includes a wide range of reading materials, teacher resources and digital technologies. The teacher librarian, in consultation with teachers, works towards establishing a learning environment that nurtures inquiry through structured access to print and electronic sources. Weekly library lessons, aim to develop an appreciation of literature and enjoyment in reading, as well as developing technology skills. The library is used by individuals, small groups, or whole classes as part of planned lessons focusing mainly on the current English and Digital Technologies curriculum. These lessons support teachers and students to access the Australian Curriculum through a variety of avenues.
Each class has a scheduled borrowing time. The library is open before school for research and borrowing, and at lunchtime for leisure activities. Children are encouraged to take responsibility for the resources they borrow and return them on time. Replacement of lost or damaged resources is the responsibility of parents. The school subscribes to online data bases and software programs which can be accessed from home.
Parent education in accessing these products is available upon request. Parents are welcome to come to the library before school to borrow with their children and discuss with the teacher librarian any research or borrowing concerns they may have. Parents are always welcome as helpers in the library as well.