Annual Report
To access the current school Annual Report, please visit the Brisbane Catholic Education School Annual Reports Website, page, which can be found HERE.
School Annual Improvement Plan
Sts Peter and Paul’s leadership team and staff draw upon Brisbane Catholic Education’s Annual Plan for Improvement, combining strategic initiatives and a clear direction for the school. The school annual improvement plan sets goals that are designed to build excellent learning and teaching, strengthen the Catholic Identity of the school, build professional capacity within staff and embed sustainable practices.
Learning Together for Life
The Sts Peter and Paul's community embraces a holistic education that encourages a life-long love of learning for our children, staff and parents. Our school is a faith community wherein each child reaches their full potential through the love of God, themselves and others.
Our school strives to:
To create a safe, welcoming, secure and happy environment in which children, teachers and parents are treated with dignity and respect.
To provide access to a Christian education which is tolerant of others' beliefs and has a strong commitment to social justice and prayerful celebrations.
To offer a broad curriculum in which all students are challenged to develop a love of learning, have their needs acknowledged and their achievements celebrated.
To build a dynamic culture which maximises the talents of all community members and fosters partnerships in the ongoing education of all children.
To have professionally excellent teachers, inspired with love of all children, teaching and learning in a supportive, harmonious atmosphere.
Our school community values:
A love of God, self and neighbour
Compassion, forgiveness and reconciliation
Respect for individual differences
Holistic education which is life-giving, life long and happily nurtured
The pursuit of excellence in all areas of the school
Opportunities for leadership and innovation among children, teachers and parents
Collaboration and co-operation across the school community
Collegial support for all staff
A welcoming community atmosphere
Understanding of rules, rights and responsibilities
Pride in achievement, personal appearance, our school, our suburb